View Profile The-Taoist

25 Movie Reviews

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Yet another forbidden truth

Our hearts are with you, brave ones of Korea, and we wish you the best. 10/10


Should go into the Awesome collection.

And to person below me: You spoil my good name with your bad review and symbol! Horrible fates await you...


That had me laughing out loud the whole time! I gave you a "4" for its utterly retarded humor! XD

Not bad

Your animation style and graphic art was well done and fairly unique; we don't see too many black and white silhouette movies, and the music was well compressed to keep the file size down without ruining it's quality. However, I think that the two main things that brought my vote down were a lack of plot and sound effects. You could have easily made this front page material with a good story and a few more sounds, but you are certainly on the right track, so don't give up! Maybe present this one as a trailer and have a longer flash with a more in depth story to come? The sky is the limit my friend.


Erobus responds:

thanks, i really appreciate the honesty and good proper feedback, i think frontpage is alittle ambitous but still thatnks for the vote of confidence


Yes, potential. I thought that this flash, though lacking in animation quality, was indeed funny and creative otherwise, and the audio wasn't that bad. The text at the end was pretty funny as well, but a little excessive. You're on the right track, but a good comedian knows when to stop. Oh, and your depictions of the average citizen's write-off and the IRS' reactions were pretty accurate and funny as well, haha. XD


NerdvanaStudios responds:

Thanks for the advice, and the good review, although I was hoping to make the animation anything but realistic. And, in retrospect, the text at the end did drag on a bit.
-The Animator

Not bad, and quite true.

Though your flash lacked voice and detailed artwork, it was still pretty funny and well arranged, and realistic... most Gaian's do behave that way, after all.

7/10 Humor


Wow, I had no idea you were Koreans until I read the Author Comments. Good Job with your Spanish!! =D The Anime-style you used was very funny and fit it's wacky storyline perfectly! Make a part 2!!!


Excellent Plot, Excellent Animation, and Excellent Grammar and Spelling! I can't wait to see Episode Three!!

At first, I was disappointed to see both Amy AND Knuckles to go down in Episode one, but when Knuckles came back and schooled Shadow's black @$$, I was like "DUUUUDE! XD" Keep up the good work!!

Very Original

Unfortunately, I haven't seen any of the other movies mentioned in this one, but I will have to go check them out. Your Story is very original and the characters have great personalities, though I think Midity needs to suppress her hormones a little, lol. I noticed that the main Protagonist, can't remember his name, I think it was the Electric race guy, seemed very overpowered; will our four heroes acquire enough power to finally overcome him?

Something that I really appreciated in this movie was your spelling and grammar; very few errors, which speaks well of you, as many artists make great movies but never know how to spell and use proper mechanics. Overall, I gave you an 8/10! =D

(P.S. - will we ever see Sonic himself in any of your movies? just wondering...)

I am The Taoist... and I'm currently in the process of refining my philosophy. I make music, and someday, will make flash. I love Sonic. Thank you.

Age 38, Male

Avatar of Gaia


Swanzey, NH

Joined on 4/30/05

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