View Profile The-Taoist

25 Movie Reviews

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When can we expect the Action Figures to hit the markets?!


The best episode so far! Flame Sonic was beyond awesome, and the battle tactics, creativity and originality are superb! And, of course, Sonic and Mario make the best superhero team the world of gaming has ever seen. Can't wait for episode 9!
5/5 10/10

Uh huh

Hmm... oh, what? Yeah yeah, the flash was gay, hardly funny; parody of a parody, sure...

Now, down to business, what was the name of that song playing with Rina-chan and the Brawl Boyz, and where can I get it?

CoolDrMoney responds:

The name of the song is:

Age/Gender: 23, Male
Location: Swanzey, NH
Job: Avatar of Gaia

I am The Taoist... and I'm currently in the process of refining my philosophy. I make music, and someday, will make flash. I love Sonic. Thank you.

I Disagre...

As great as the animation, music and voices are, I thought that the plot you had built was very suitable for NG shorts, especially since it is different every time. True, a change of pace "on the occasion" would be nice, but I've always felt that this current plot standard was best for this series, and that's exactly what it is: a NG series. Not a movie, not a TV show, but an Epic Newgrounds Series of Short Comical Episodes.

Keep up the good work, 10/10!

I must Agree

I, as well, am rather tired of seeing depressing crap everywhere I go. Humpty's not the only one in the world with problems. We all have our issues and we all have to deal with them, and watching someone just give up isn't helping. So I, too, will give you a 5 out of 10 for your animation efforts. Perhaps next time, make a flash where some other intervention prevents Humpty from ending his life. Give him hope; give him another chance; give him the opportunity we all have to change ourselves and our environments.

Not your best...

... but still pretty funny. Mostly, I think this flash was lacking some of the more classical "EgoRaptor Magic" that we typically see in most of your other flashes; I mean, as funny as it is to do spoofs on DBZ and similar anime, this one seemed to be mostly making fun of poor dubbing. I mean, lots of anime dubs "do" suck... the last time I watched one, I was so upset that I destroyed a whOOooOOooOOooOOOOOle kitchen! But yeah, personally, I would have liked to see more of that kinda thing, that scene made me laugh out loud - maybe incorporate more into ep. 2? ANYway.... 7/10, decent, but could use a lil' work.


That was the best artwork of House that I've ever seen; totally hilarious. So true, too! Like, everyone on that show really DOES wanna have his babies, don't they? Lol, excellent job! 10/10


I've never seen a frame-by-frame animation with photos of someone's head in an animation like that, that was very ingenious, not to mention hilarious! 4/5


Hey, that was pretty funny, gave me a few laughs when the presidents started duking it out, lol. I think you did a decent job for your first Flash, but just a few suggestions for you for future animations:

It never hurts to put in the extra time to make some good quality images and animations for your movie, as people love to see artwork these days. Or, if you prefer (as this was mostly a sprite flash) you could always do sprite animations to keep the setting balanced. Also, more sound effects couldn't hurt; everyone loves a good explosion.

You can find tutorials on all of those here on NG at this link here: "http://www.newgrounds.com/collection /flashtutorials" and this should show you how do to most, if not all, of the aforementioned suggestions. Good effort and keep it up! =)

I am The Taoist... and I'm currently in the process of refining my philosophy. I make music, and someday, will make flash. I love Sonic. Thank you.

Age 38, Male

Avatar of Gaia


Swanzey, NH

Joined on 4/30/05

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